What I Am All About

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Building a Butter You

Coming in the wake of Wisconsin's new ban on grass-fed butter, is the release of Dr. William Davis' new book "Undoctored: Why Health Care Has Failed You and How You Can Become Smarter Than Your Doctor." Since butter and ghee (clarified butter) are powerful weapons in the fight for good health, it is ironic that Wisconsin politicians care more for the dairy special interest groups than the health of their constituents. In another twist, Dr. Davis, author of the "Wheat Belly Diet" practices in Wauwatosa, WI.

Besides corrupt politicians, another roadblock continues to be the outdated fear of saturated fats. Our bodies can handle saturated fats as long as you don't fry your food in them. You can Google more on the topic. This article in "The BMJ" (formerly "The British Medical Journal") summarizes this well:

        Conclusions Saturated fats are not associated with all cause mortality, CVD, CHD, ischemic stroke, or type 2 diabetes, but the evidence is heterogeneous with methodological limitations.Trans fats are associated with all cause mortality, total CHD, and CHD mortality, probably because of higher levels of intake of industrial trans fats than ruminant trans fats. Dietary guidelines must carefully consider the health effects of recommendations for alternative macronutrients to replace trans fats and saturated fats.

I point this out in the part of my PowerPoint presentation on nutrition called "Fats:The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly." The bad include trans and fried fats. The good include coconut, olive, and avocado oils, and fish/krill oils. The saturated animal fats fall somewhere between the good and the ugly because while the good have actually been shown to improve cardiovascular health the same has not been shown with the animal fats.

The release date for "Undoctored" is May 9th but you can pre-order it now at the link above.