What I Am All About

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Coronary Artery Disease and Orgasms

Can a man with a weak heart die from an organism?
Michael Mangold
Michael Mangold, Retired Physician (1990-present)
If you mean orgasm then the answer is “yes.” The best celebrity anecdote is from Richard Pryor whose own father “came and went” at the same time while having sex with one of his own prostitutes (he was a pimp).
These days, we older men with heart disease need to be extra careful because taking nitroglycerin, having Coronary Artery Disease, and using Viagra to flog a dying horse, all add up to what our special needs government calls a “Black Box Warning.” In other words, proceed with caution. But in all honesty, no one ever in the midst of passion has stepped back to say, “hey, let's think about this first.”
Sildenafil, the generic name/form of Viagra, works by relaxing the smoothe muscles that line the arterial (oxygen-carrying) side of our blood system. In penises, that's a good thing. But in horny old men, that means a lot of the blood moves from the core (heart, lungs, etc.) to the periphery, leaving less blood to oxygenate these vital organs. So, at the moment of ecstasy there is a battle, and the poor ol' geezer often loses.
Taps are now on order.


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Quora: Fat Biceps

What is the best way to build muscle and lose fat on your biceps?
Michael Mangold
Michael Mangold, Lifted weights 35 years. Bodybuilding contests. Certified trainer
Diet and exercise.
The thing about dieting is that you need to lose fat overall since “spot reduction” (exercising a particular body part to lose fat from that particular site) is a waste of time at best, a waste of money at worst. As many here know, I recommend a ketogenic diet as the best way to lose fat. There are now literally tons of books and videos out there that explain how to do this.
As for exercise, progressive resistance weightlifting is the best. This means that for any exercise, either add more weight or increase the number of repetitions each workout.
If you want, you can add a cardio workout, such as running, biking, swimming, or spinning. However, I have two caveats. First, don't overdo it. Limit each session to about 30 minutes, three times per week. Secondly, make sure you have time to recover. My best approach has always been to do cardio in the morning then weightlifting in the evening. Take the next day off. Repeat this sequence 3x/week.
If you're concerned about how toned you want your arms to be, of course biceps curls are the best. BUT… also do triceps extensions or pull-downs so you don't create a muscle imbalance.
The rest of your exercises should be the basics: bench press, squats, crunches, lat pull-downs, leg curls, leg extensions, and deadlift. You'll work wonders with these.
Best of luck!


Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Another Workout Answer from Quora

I’ve been lifting weights for a few weeks now and I don’t really feel any stronger, for example, one day I did 70 reps and another I only did 40. What’s wrong with me?

Michael Mangold, Author/Writer at Upwards Bound (2014-present)

First of all, don't be doing such high volume. Increase your weights until you go to muscle failure after 8–12 reps only for upper body, and 12–20 reps for lower body. Muscle failure means you absolutely cannot do one more rep.

Work up to three sets of these per workout. Even if you have to add 1/4 of a pound, increase either the weight or the number of reps each time. This is the definition of “Progressive Resistance.”

Secondly, make sure you take a day off to recover. And add supplements such as whey protein, NOS, and creatinine. You will make rapid progress at first, and while you think you may have plateaued, each small increase adds muscle mass and density.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Foreign Born Docs and Big Medicine


Basic Physique Training

Between the time I first started answering this question on Quora and when I submitted it, the admin deleted it. So, not one to let good efforts go to waste...

How do I develop my physique?

Build a baseline first. Depending on your agar, this should last 6–12 weeks. Don't rush it. This is the best way to prime your body for more intensive exercises later, and help prevent injuries.

Stick to only a few, select exercices that mainly target your large muscle groups. These should include Bench Press, Squats, Leg Extensions, Leg Curls, Military Press, Crunches, Romanian Deadlift, Lat Pulldowns, and Bent-Over Rows. At the very most, you can add Biceps Curls, Triceps Extensions, and Shoulder Shrugs.

Aim for 8-12 reps for upper body exercises, and 12-20 for lower. One set each exercise is fine for now. Train your whole body like this every other day, 3 times per week.

After your baseline is up, you can start training more intensively, specifically, frequently, and intelligently. Determine which body parts you want to develop and concentrate in those. Go for split-routines, meaning that you concentrate, for example, on lower body Mondays, back on Wednesday, and chest/arms on Fridays. Rest as much as possible in-between.

Supplementation is very important, too. But that is a whole other Answer.

Good luck!