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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Quora: Fat Biceps

What is the best way to build muscle and lose fat on your biceps?
Michael Mangold
Michael Mangold, Lifted weights 35 years. Bodybuilding contests. Certified trainer
Diet and exercise.
The thing about dieting is that you need to lose fat overall since “spot reduction” (exercising a particular body part to lose fat from that particular site) is a waste of time at best, a waste of money at worst. As many here know, I recommend a ketogenic diet as the best way to lose fat. There are now literally tons of books and videos out there that explain how to do this.
As for exercise, progressive resistance weightlifting is the best. This means that for any exercise, either add more weight or increase the number of repetitions each workout.
If you want, you can add a cardio workout, such as running, biking, swimming, or spinning. However, I have two caveats. First, don't overdo it. Limit each session to about 30 minutes, three times per week. Secondly, make sure you have time to recover. My best approach has always been to do cardio in the morning then weightlifting in the evening. Take the next day off. Repeat this sequence 3x/week.
If you're concerned about how toned you want your arms to be, of course biceps curls are the best. BUT… also do triceps extensions or pull-downs so you don't create a muscle imbalance.
The rest of your exercises should be the basics: bench press, squats, crunches, lat pull-downs, leg curls, leg extensions, and deadlift. You'll work wonders with these.
Best of luck!


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