What I Am All About

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Getting Your Omega-3s On

Are you getting your Omega-3s on?

This IS good news, but I'd like to read the original study to determine what the 777 elderly people were consuming. The article correctly states that Omega-3s are found in “salmon and chia seeds", seeds", but the oils in chia seeds are primarily composed of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid, which the body can convert into the more readily usable forms of EPA and DHA through a series of metabolic reactions. However, this conversion process is quite inefficient.

Studies show that only a small percentage (5%) of ALA is typically converted to EPA, and even less to DHA. The crucial factor here is that the conversion rate goes down as we get older, approaching 1% by age 80:

"The researchers found that older adults who consumed a gram of omega-3s every day were biologically younger and healthier than their peers who didn't supplement the nutrient - shaving off three to four months of aging over the course of three years".

That's an impressive addition of 1 more year every 9-10 years.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Aging Gracefully with More Protein

 “Sarcopenia”  is the gradual loss of muscle mass and strength with aging. It can increase the risk of falls and fractures, and make it harder to do daily activities. Recent studies suggest that older adults need 1.0–1.3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. I am 165 pounds which is 74.842741 kilograms. Multiplying that by 1.15 puts my “thrive” protein requirement at 86 grams daily. I partially fulfill that by adding 11 grams of multi-collagen peptides and 20 grams of whey powder to a power shake within 30 minutes of waking up. More on that in a later post:

“A new technique for establishing protein needs has been developed, catchily called the indicator amino acid oxidation method. It suggests the minimum protein intake for thrive mode, not just to prevent malnutrition, is about 1g to 1.2g per kilogram of body weight per day”.


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Victory Gardens and Self-Sufficiency

With the advent of newer gardening and farming techniques such as Permaculture, aquaponics, vertical growing, food forests, no-till raised beds, the One-Straw Revolution, regenerative agriculture, cheap greenhouses, edible perennials, perennial grains, and more, we could once again wean ourselves away from the teat of Big Ag and Big Guv:

In March 1917, the National War Garden Commission encouraged private citizens to ‘sow the seeds of victory’ and grow produce to feed people at home and abroad. School grounds, vacant lots, and backyards were transformed into bountiful gardens, which became known as ‘victory gardens.’” 
