What I Am All About

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Foreign Born Docs and Big Medicine


Basic Physique Training

Between the time I first started answering this question on Quora and when I submitted it, the admin deleted it. So, not one to let good efforts go to waste...

How do I develop my physique?

Build a baseline first. Depending on your agar, this should last 6–12 weeks. Don't rush it. This is the best way to prime your body for more intensive exercises later, and help prevent injuries.

Stick to only a few, select exercices that mainly target your large muscle groups. These should include Bench Press, Squats, Leg Extensions, Leg Curls, Military Press, Crunches, Romanian Deadlift, Lat Pulldowns, and Bent-Over Rows. At the very most, you can add Biceps Curls, Triceps Extensions, and Shoulder Shrugs.

Aim for 8-12 reps for upper body exercises, and 12-20 for lower. One set each exercise is fine for now. Train your whole body like this every other day, 3 times per week.

After your baseline is up, you can start training more intensively, specifically, frequently, and intelligently. Determine which body parts you want to develop and concentrate in those. Go for split-routines, meaning that you concentrate, for example, on lower body Mondays, back on Wednesday, and chest/arms on Fridays. Rest as much as possible in-between.

Supplementation is very important, too. But that is a whole other Answer.

Good luck!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Bitlies for All of Us

My favorite web pages all in one convenient location.

I'm really not sure why I didn't think of this before.