What I Am All About

Monday, October 27, 2014


While I usually don't re-post other blogs on this blog, I do so today because author Tim Ferriss says what needs to be said so eloquently. Depriving certain cancer cells of sugar, through diet and medication, can literally starve them to death. Glucose is essential for anaerobic metabolism which is the preferred way for these cells to create energy. Ferriss and Dr. Peter Attia both highlight that the use of the blood sugar lowering agent metformin (Glucophage) has been shown to decrease cancers in Type II diabetics. As usual, contact your physician before starting any prescribed medications.
"Potential Tactics for Defeating Cancer - A Tool Kit in 1000 Words"

Ferriss is the author of The 4-Hour Body which is on my recommended reading list. Beware though: it is not for the squeamish.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Through Early Morning Fog I See

On Facebook, someone wrote that Robin Williams' death this week felt like a "gut punch." That is how I would describe my reaction, too. It is like losing a good friend or relative. And a friend who could make me roll about on the floor laughing. Reactions to his suicide range from grief to judgement to outright mockery (think "fat radio personality"). Having dealt with depressed patients in clinical practice and with attempted suicides in the ER, I want to add something to the conversation. In addition, there is my own personal experience with depression to draw on.

In this country, we are so fiercely independent that even thinking of asking for help is considered a sign of weakness. If there is just one take-home message you get from me today it is this: depression is an illness. A person with pneumonia didn't ask to get sick. A person with Crohn's disease shouldn't be embarrassed about having the illness, asking for help, or taking medications. Yet we treat people with mental health issues like they are pariahs at best, criminals at worst. Stepping off my soapbox for a minute, I now want to get clinical with you.
Psychiatrists characterize depression as a Mood Disorder, meaning that it depends on the person's own internal state. In this case, it is an overwhelming state of sadness. Other internal feelings include worthlessness, hopelessness, and guilt. External signs and symptoms (you do know the difference, don't you?) include insomnia/hypersomnia, increase/decreased appetite, early morning awakenings, and anhedonia or the loss of pleasure in life. There may be other associated factors including problems with memory and increased anxiety. To sum it up, a person with depression is in emotional pain.
Suicide is the ultimate attempt to end the pain. As illogical as it seems to those of us on the outside looking in, this course of action is perfectly logical to the person contemplating it. Those internal feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and guilt seem overwhelming and permanent. If the person has had periods of severe depression in the past, he may not want to go down that path again so suicide is like taking the nearest exit ramp off that road. To those who have never experienced severe depression, suicide appears to be an act of the weak and cowardly. Trust me: the pain is so overbearing that suicide becomes a form of treatment for that person. A desperate treatment but desperate people do desperate things.
As usual, I like to end these posts describing what you can do to help people with depression and thoughts of suicide. First of all, the highest risk factor for suicide is a previous suicide attempt. So if  you know someone who has tried it before, be especially vigilant for any of the signs or symptoms I described before. For anyone, if you suspect suicidality ask them one simple question: "are you thinking of hurting or killing  yourself?" That question has saved thousands, if not millions of lives.If you get a "yes" answer, do what you can to get that person help. Immediately.

It's not a bad thing to lament anyone's death. People felt close to Robin Williams and grieve as if someone they knew had died as do the friends and families of anyone who has committed suicide. It's a sad tragedy no matter who you are.

Friday, June 27, 2014

A Calorie is Not Just a Calorie

Does this sound familiar? You want to lose weight so you buy into an established program like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. Or you buy yourself yet another dieting book, perhaps the latest craze everyone is talking about. Conventional diets have you counting calories: not only what you consume but how much you  presumably expend during exercise. You measure portion sizes according to some pictures, the size of your hand, or even pre-made plates they sell you. The stress rises from all the attention to detail and attempts at perfection.

You do lose weight initially. It seems all "diets" lead to some weight loss in the first few weeks. What happens then? You plateau. No matter how hard you exercise and how much attention you pay to your food portions and avoidance of fats, you can't seem to make the same inroads any longer. So you stop counting calories, maybe unconsciously  at first. Your metabolism has slowed on the calorie-restricted diet and now established eating patterns result in increased weight and fat deposition. Now you are heavier than when you started. What to do next? Of course: try the latest dieting fad. The cycle repeats itself.

What if I told you counting calories and fat-restricted diets are things of the past? That the added stress of counting calories consumed and expended increases cortisol levels which in turn increases fat deposition? That there are ways to lose fat and tone muscles that allow you to eat all you want of the correct, nutritious foods?

There are. I lived it myself.

In February of 2012, I weighed-in at a whopping 220 pounds, 45 pounds heavier than my college graduate weight. We had Dolphin Therapy for Jon coming up in March and I wanted to lose some of my rolly-polliness so I started practicing what I had been preaching to my patients for the last 2 years. I attacked the problem in two ways: jump-starting my weight loss with the 2 week "induction" phase of the Atkins Diet. I knew it would work since I made astounding progress on it when I was training for a body building contest in 1997. I then followed that with the Wheat Belly Diet, devised and written by my friend and cardiologist Dr. William Davis. I also monitored my body fat, cholesterol levels, and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) levels. CRP is a generalized measurement of acute inflammation. Chronically elevated levels of inflammation are associated with cardiovascular disease among other things:
                   "Recent research suggests that patients with elevated basal levels of CRP are at an increased risk of diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease."

Six weeks into the program I had lost 30 pounds. My total cholesterol level had dropped from 220 to 187. My body fat had decreased from 30% to 22%. And I never went hungry. Admittedly, the Atkins part of the regime was rigorous. The Wheat Belly part is just fun. Discovering new ways to prepare wheat- and gluten-free meals appealed to my inner Chef.

This is the gist of the program that I advocate for all my clients, friends, and relatives. There are obviously more details that I will explore in later posts. But for now, please consider buying or borrowing these two books. Learn that "diet" refers to a lifestyle (not THE Lifestyle which I will talk about some time later) and that you can enjoy eating sanely and nutritionally.

And stop counting calories: it's not healthy.