What I Am All About

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

BulletProof Serrapeptase

I've been taking the enzyme Serrapeptase about 10 months now in the hope that it will reduce the size of the coronary artery plaque in my Left Anterior Descending artery (the "Widow Maker"). I have apparently been doing it wrong. 

It's not stated in this article but Serrapeptase needs to be taken on an empty stomach 2-4 times per day. Otherwise, it will be wasted on breaking down foods and medicines instead of the target entities.

Since it remodels skin, be sure to supplement with Vitamin C, collagen peptides, and the mineral zinc:

"You can take serrapeptase to help dissolve scar tissue, fight inflammation, improve your immune response, and decrease pain…

...Serrapeptase dissolves fibrin, a particularly tough protein that makes up scar tissue, and emerging research suggests that high doses of serrapeptase may reduce scarring."


Friday, July 3, 2020

If It Hurts When You Do That, Don't Do It

Sometimes people confuse me.
Here is my Quora Answer to the Question, "My hands feel like the veins are full of blood like when after I swing my arm around really fast. What is this symptom called and what does it mean?"

First of all, this is physics, not medicine. Secondly, why couldn't this person figure it out themself? Last, unless you are a Shen Yun or Blue Man Group performer, what adult swings their arms around like that?