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Showing posts with label Circumcision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Circumcision. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

My Quora Answer to "Parents, what did your doctor do that pissed you off?"

My wife had just given birth to our third child, our first boy. We had decided not to have him circumcised. This was at a time when the medical (read more) 
establishment scared parents into getting them because it is a quick buck for the docs and hospitals. Despite newer evidence against routine use of the procedure, they still try to push it, although rather less forcefully or as in our case, less deceitfully.

After delivery and while she was still sedated (it was a C-section), and while I was in the nursery with my new pride and joy, a nurse or other staff person convinced my wife to sign the consent forms. And they KNEW of our stance beforehand! They mutilated our baby against our wishes. And the insurance company paid them for it!

Phoenix Andrews: Slightly off topic but I’m curious as to why you wouldn’t want to circumcise your son. I’m not a mom nor do I have a penis so I personal don’t have an experience with it in that sense. From what I know it’s better for your hygiene not to have it. Not judging you I’m just curious.

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