What I Am All About

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Day 1 of garage/yard/house sale closed earlier due to hail. Yes, hail. And thankful too since I tired of the women trying to get stuff for free. Pitiful. One showed up with only $100 bills and said it would be "silly" for her to break it just to buy $4 worth of books. One said we should give her some furniture because we "don't need it." Another said her husband lost his job so she couldn't "afford" to pay for the things she wanted. Really? Round 2 tomorrow.

Monday, April 15, 2013


We sold a few things today prior to our big garage sale next weekend. We are torn at times trying to determine what to sell and what to keep. For me the problem was evident with books. For Angie the issue was what to do with sentimental items. I had a little heart-tug yesterday while sorting books but really, how many do you NEED?