What I Am All About

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Boost Your Immunity with Food

"Discover some of the best foods to boost your immune system and which supplements you might want to take. The right foods can help you avoid falling victim to colds and flu this year!"

From the folks over at Food Revolution Network. It's a decent read. The only one I disagree with is the recommendation to eat more peppers because of their very high level of lectins.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Flat-Chested Quest for Acceptance

You have two Questions and I'll answer them separately.

You are at an age where your hormones are raging so there is the possibility that they WILL get bigger. No guarantees but it's worth a try.

And how do you try? I recommend you get a mass builder shake powder. Take one serving in the morning and once more at bedtime. Add some good oils like coconut oil or it's main fat, MCT oil. How much? Start low like a teaspoon in each shake and increase weekly. Otherwise you might develop Hershey squirts. Olive oil is a good fat, too. For supplements, take fish oil and Vitamins A and D3 which are oils, too. D3 is a precursor to hormones so you get a double whammy

Start lifting weights. That may sound counter-intuitive as a way to gain fat but if your primary goal is an increase in bust size, lifting weights (especially bench presses) will build up your pectoralis muscles, giving you a fuller appearance.

Now, how much gain you will see. I just can't predict because so many variables factor in. Your diet, hormone levels, age, and so on. There's only one way to find out. Just do it.

I'm sorry that others find it difficult to accept you as you are. You didn't choose this so teasing is just a form of bullying. So keep your head up, do what needs to be done, work at it consistently, and experiment.

You can do it!

Monday, February 3, 2020

More Red Light Therapy. "...red light (in the proper intensity and dose) has a therapeutic or healing effect on the tissue and body."

This is an excellent article about Red Light Therapy (RLT) for lay people. Briefly, the take-home messages are:

  • It works.

  • But only if you buy a light with two specific wavelength ranges: 630-670 nm and 850 nm

  • The mid-600's stimulate (heal) skin issues such as wrinkles, scars, wounds, and baldness

  • The mid-800's penetrate deeper and target bones, muscles, and even the pineal gland and hypothalamus


  • Choose your lights carefully. The author of the article, Alex Fergus, mentions Joovy only once but they have high production standards and do their own extensive research

  • Men can raise their testosterone levels by shining the light on the boys

I'll add my own piece of advice. The closer to your skin the deeper the light penetration. But first and second degree burns are very real risks. I should know.
