What I Am All About

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

DMSO Part Two

 DMSO Part Two

I am a big fan of another idea from Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw and that is the benefit of copper on joints. You know, like the copper bracelets and the copper-containing gloves and socks you see everywhere. My own creation mixes the carrier properties of DMSO with the joint building properties of copper. I do this procedure every night and it makes a big difference in my pain.

I take the DMSO concoction I devised (DMSO, methyl salicylate, capsaicin, and Magnesium Oil) and apply it to all joints, place a penny over it, and then wrap it. I have braces for my knees and wrists and self-adherent elastic bands for the other areas. I even do this over my Morton’s Neuroma in my right foot. Technically not a joint, I’m still hoping it will be therapeutic. So far, so good.

Copper offers several benefits for joint health:

  1. Collagen Production: Copper promotes the production of collagen, which is an essential component of joint structure. Collagen provides strength and elasticity to connective tissues, including those in the joints.

  2. Calcium Regulation: Copper helps regulate and maintain calcium levels in the body, which is crucial for joint health. Adequate calcium is necessary for strong bones and proper functioning of joints.

  3. Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Copper acts as an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent. It helps protect the joints from damage and reduces inflammation2. By combating oxidative stress and inflammation, copper contributes to overall joint well-being.

  4. Support for Collagen Activity: Along with other micronutrients like vitamin D and vitamin E, copper boosts collagen activity that affects cartilage in the knees, hips, and other joints. Healthy collagen is essential for maintaining joint flexibility and preventing stiffness.

This is the copper bracelet I used until the Crazy Lady from Memphis stole it one night in a hotel in Columbia, MO. When I couldn't find it the next day, she swore up and down that she didn't know where it was. I literally ran away from her to Effingham, IL because she was on probation and couldn't leave Missouri without her P.O.'s approval. Between the time I wrote this and when I am posting it, I received an Amazon gift card from a medical survey I took last month. So I bought the bracelet again!

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