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Showing posts with label Magnesium threonate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magnesium threonate. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Neuro-Mag Review




The original question on Amazon asked, “I’ve been on neuro-mag (sic) for 3 months and love it. I was recently told that I may have osteoporosis. Is L-threonate going to help my bones?”

Neuro-Mag is the trade name by Life Extension Labs for their formulation of Magnesium threonate, a highly bioavailable form of magnesium that crosses the blood-brain barrier, unlike other formulations of the mineral. I take Neuro-Mag and love it. It creates calmness within me, and has a lower risk of diarrhea, one of the more unpleasant side-effects of magnesium supplementation. I also have no financial interest in either Life Extension or any other supplement manufacturer. As always, follow my advice with a jaundiced eye, and run any of my recommendations by your health care provider before starting ANYTHING new.

Elemental magnesium is vital for many physiological processes, including energy production, muscle and nerve function, and bone strength. I take the supplement because it is essential to functioning cardiac muscles and because I am starting to have slight problems with my memory. The most obvious issue is word searching, or the “it’s at the tip of my tongue” phenomenon. It also lowers blood pressure by relaxing the smooth muscle that lines the interiors of our arteries. But to specifically answer the question, I am going to quote the National Institutes of Health:

Magnesium is important for healthy bones. People with higher intakes of magnesium have a higher bone mineral density, which is important in reducing the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis. Getting more magnesium from foods or dietary supplements might help older women improve their bone mineral density. More research is needed to better understand whether magnesium supplements can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis or treat this condition.1

Dosing of supplementation has been established through research. Three capsules of Neuro-Mag provide 144 mg of elemental magnesium. That is my current dose: one capsule in the morning and two at night. Not only is it calming as a sleep aid, but I would much rather have diarrhea while I am close to a toilet! The second link below lists the proven benefits of magnesium.2

The following chart lists the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) based on sex, age, and pregnancy/lactation status. Remember to always run it by your provider first: 3


Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)


1-3 years

80 mg/day

4-8 years

130 mg/day

9-13 years

240 mg/day


14-18 years

360 mg/day

19-30 years

310 mg/day

31 years and over

320 mg/day


Under 19 years: 400 mg/day
19 to 30 years: 350 mg/day
31 years and up: 360 mg/day


Under 19 years: 360 mg/day
19 to 30 years: 310 mg/day
31 years and up: 320 mg/day


14-18 years

410 mg/day

19-30 years

400 mg/day

31 years and up

420 mg/day

 1. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-Consumer/ 

2. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-proven-magnesium-benefits

3. https://www.webmd.com/diet/supplement-guide-magnesium#



Sunday, December 15, 2019

Magnesium Threonate

Magnesium Threonate

This is an amazing new find courtesy of my good friend Leroy Skalstad. Ever since my psychotic episode 14 months ago, I've had debilitating short-term memory loss problems, and the more anxious I get, the worse the memory loss. My long-term memory is still almost photographic, although I admit sometimes I forget to load the film. But it's still very, very accurate and precise for events, especially those involving personal interactions.

When I mentioned that I am hypomagnasemic, Leroy humbly suggested Magnesium threonate because he noticed that his memory improved by taking it. He thought maybe it was due to a placebo effect, but having started it myself, I guarantee it's not just placebo. This stuff actually works. It is the only form of Magnesium that actually crosses the blood-brain barrier. When I received mine in the mail, I took two instead of the recommended one three times a day. I then took two before bedtime and again two more in the morning. By noon the next day after starting it, I noticed an improvement in my short-term memory. 

This neuropsychiatric defect usually results in stuttering, the physical manifestation of word- searching. My stuttering went away but Itt will come back when I need another dose. I routinely take one capsule three times a day, but when I'm out and about and forget to take a capsule with me, the stuttering will return, albeit not as severely as before.

I am adding Magnesium threonate to my "highly recommended" list, whether you have memory problems or not because it is also neuroprotective. Do not take if you have renal failure or any condition that contraindicates its use.
