What I Am All About

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Best Kale Recipe Ever

1. Sow Kale early. It likes cool temperatures and shade.

2. Raise chickens. Free-range them if possible. Their eggs will contain more nutrients that way.

3. Harvest the kale and wash thoroughly with cold tap water.

4. Feed kale to chickens.

5. Sacrifice, cook, and eat the chickens.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Chew On This (continued)

There is unfinished business here concerning Fletcherism and his lifelong passion to liquify our food before swallowing. Saliva contains several beneficial ingredients that include amylase, lipase, and lysozyme. The first two are enzymes that break down carbohydrates and fats.  Lysozyme, also known as muramidase or N-acetylmuramide glycanhydrolase, is an antimicrobial enzyme produced by animals that forms part of the immune system. Fletcherism is basically a way to facilitate your body's innate wisdom.

So chew your food thoroughly and that includes shakes. You may think that since they are already "liquids" that they don't need such extensive mastication. Think again. They are really suspensions of solids within the liquid. 

I learned about this from my paternal grandmother Nellie by the time I was six. Her advice was a bit different, though. She encouraged us to chew 22 times before the swallow. I suppose that was adequate for some foods but probably not for the majority.

So Eat, Be Strong, & Enjoy!

Sunday, September 6, 2020

But You Cannot Cage Her Soul

"Chelsea Vosters, of Wisconsin, spent the first seven years of her life living in a dog cage."

Starting in 2004, Chelsea became my medical patient at Mendota Mental Health Insititute in Madison, WI. You couldn't find a nicer, more friendly youngster than her. She was shy and withdrawn, very cute, and polite, but she was always melancholy. Who wouldn't be? I loved to see her smile and laugh at my corny Dad jokes. One time I got to make her give me the biggest smile I have ever seen on a child.

Cookie was my wife at the time and she made the brilliant suggestion to buy Chelsea a necklace. So we went to the local Marshall Fields and bought one. I have to admit that I have an impeccable taste in lady's jewelry. I gave it to Chelsea the next day and will always cherish the look of surprise and joy.
