What I Am All About

Monday, January 6, 2020

Citrus Fruits and Kidney Stones "...lemonade therapy appears to be a reasonable alternative for patients with hypocitraturia who cannot tolerate first line therapy."

Although a terribly small study, let's hope it's a springboard to greater things. One other issue I have with this study is that they don't reveal how much real lemon juice is in their lemonade. 

Permit me to help translate some of the medspeak:

"Citrauric" simply means the amount of citric acid in your urine.

"Nephrolithiasis" is the term for kidney stone formation. 'Nephro' means kidney, as like the medical specialty Nephrology. 'Lith' means stone. Think of 'monolith,' or a large monument carved from a single (mono) rock.

"Hypocitraturia" is a chronically low (below normal) level of citrate in your urine.

Here are excerpts from the study. The full link is found at the end.

"Purpose: Citrus fruits and juices are a known natural source of dietary citrate. Of all the citrus juices, lemon juice appears to have the highest concentration of citrate. Therefore, lemonade therapy has been proposed as a potential treatment for patients with hypocitraturia. We retrospectively evaluated the impact of long-term lemonade therapy on urinary metabolic parameters and stone formation in patients with hypocitraturic nephrolithiasis."

"Conclusions: Due to its significant citraturic effect, lemonade therapy appears to be a reasonable nn.alternative for patients with hypocitraturia who cannot tolerate first line therapy. Future study in the form of a prospective, randomized trial is needed to validate these findings."


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

My Quora Answer to "Parents, what did your doctor do that pissed you off?"

My wife had just given birth to our third child, our first boy. We had decided not to have him circumcised. This was at a time when the medical (read more) 
establishment scared parents into getting them because it is a quick buck for the docs and hospitals. Despite newer evidence against routine use of the procedure, they still try to push it, although rather less forcefully or as in our case, less deceitfully.

After delivery and while she was still sedated (it was a C-section), and while I was in the nursery with my new pride and joy, a nurse or other staff person convinced my wife to sign the consent forms. And they KNEW of our stance beforehand! They mutilated our baby against our wishes. And the insurance company paid them for it!

Phoenix Andrews: Slightly off topic but I’m curious as to why you wouldn’t want to circumcise your son. I’m not a mom nor do I have a penis so I personal don’t have an experience with it in that sense. From what I know it’s better for your hygiene not to have it. Not judging you I’m just curious.

My Reply

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Magnesium Threonate

Magnesium Threonate

This is an amazing new find courtesy of my good friend Leroy Skalstad. Ever since my psychotic episode 14 months ago, I've had debilitating short-term memory loss problems, and the more anxious I get, the worse the memory loss. My long-term memory is still almost photographic, although I admit sometimes I forget to load the film. But it's still very, very accurate and precise for events, especially those involving personal interactions.

When I mentioned that I am hypomagnasemic, Leroy humbly suggested Magnesium threonate because he noticed that his memory improved by taking it. He thought maybe it was due to a placebo effect, but having started it myself, I guarantee it's not just placebo. This stuff actually works. It is the only form of Magnesium that actually crosses the blood-brain barrier. When I received mine in the mail, I took two instead of the recommended one three times a day. I then took two before bedtime and again two more in the morning. By noon the next day after starting it, I noticed an improvement in my short-term memory. 

This neuropsychiatric defect usually results in stuttering, the physical manifestation of word- searching. My stuttering went away but Itt will come back when I need another dose. I routinely take one capsule three times a day, but when I'm out and about and forget to take a capsule with me, the stuttering will return, albeit not as severely as before.

I am adding Magnesium threonate to my "highly recommended" list, whether you have memory problems or not because it is also neuroprotective. Do not take if you have renal failure or any condition that contraindicates its use.
